Animation Studio
Three animated shorts from the Vertical Animation Studio that I taught. The vertical animation studio is typically made up of Sophomore, Junior, and Senior undergraduate students, who are put into small teams and must execute a 30-second animated short by the end of a semester.
Students were pushed to use the department's pipeline for managing and rendering their projects.
Most students were familiar with Maya and animation concepts from previous courses. For many of them, this was their first time using Renderman, Nuke, and Substance Painter, as well as their first time working on an animated short.
Traditional Painting
Student examples from my Traditional Painting course. This is an introductory course and teaches students how to use Acrylic and Oil materials.
Students are also taught broader concepts of successful image-making, like form, tone, color, and composition
Research Advisor
The latest project to come from the Soft Interaction Lab at Texas A&M University.
This virtual reality game is designed to teach anatomy students the movement and structure of the primary muscle groups in the human body.
I acted as an advisor and mentor for Undergraduate Research Scholars who were creating 3D assets for the project.